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white noises
messages : 17
date d'inscription : 11/02/2022
métier : argileur
Ven 25 Fév - 22:53

image pour faire jolie


RASHEEN /rəˈʃiːn/ :

homme trentenaire, argileur¹ de son état et père d’une petite fille². renvoie à première vue une chaleur humaine médiocre et des attitudes revêches. naturellement tape-à-l’oeil : grand en taille, corps bâti, albe chevelure. (+)

1. travaille l’argile et sa cuisson pour confectionner des objets du quotidien, des briques, des tuiles et autres bricoles utilitaires selon la demande.
2. dulcinea « dulce » est une petite fille née début printemps 89, ce qui la rend présentement âgée de 3 ans.


no thoughts head empty we die like bunny

idées de liens

DISCLAIMER sauf mention du contraire, ce sont principalement des propositions de pistes pouvant aiguiller la réflexion plus que des liens à tout prix recherchés tels quels. de ce fait, chaque idée peut être utilisée comme base ou addendum à une idée déjà existante. & je favorise les discussions par mp mais on s'arrange sans pb. si ça se tâte mais que la tête est vide, branchez-moi qu'on galère ensemble.


les discipliné-es, les êtres capables de faire la conversation pour deux, les pragmatiques, les individus motivés par le progrès (surtout technique) et l’innovation, les penseureuses, les gens naturellement bons avec les enfants — plus particulièrement dulce.

[∞] babysitters.

Dad is Tired and Need a Nap TM
La reconnaissance de Rasheen sera infinie si vous êtes dans la possibilité d’alléger son emploi du temps et d’assurer la garde de sa fille, même s’il ne s’agit que de quelques heures. Si la reconnaissance ne suffit pas, il est également possible de procéder à un échange de quelque service en bonne et due forme.

[∞] parenthood 101.

être parent n’est pas inné ; cela s’apprend.
Aussi va-t-il lui falloir des gens pour l’éclairer sur comment on élève, éduque, s’occupe d’un enfant. Être un bon père, somme toute. Ces enseignements vont des choses basiques aux moins évidentes, tel que réussir à gérer correctement des crises de colère ou encore établir une relation de confiance entre parent-enfant. Cette piste ouvre aussi la voie aux apparitions nocturnes au pied de votre porte car Rasheen aurait des Questions Urgentes Ayant Besoin de Réponses Immédiates.

[2] amitiés de longue date.

je pense que rasheen ayant max (2) true homies est une idée cohérente.

je continue plus tard........
messages : 17
date d'inscription : 11/02/2022
métier : argileur
Ven 25 Fév - 22:55
messages : 17
date d'inscription : 11/02/2022
métier : argileur
Ven 25 Fév - 22:55



marraine de dulce

Life was like being dragged through concrete in circles, wet and setting concrete that dried with each rotation of my unwilling body. As a child, I was light. It didn’t matter too much; I slid through it, and maybe it even felt like a game, like I was just playing in mud, like nothing about that slipperiness would ever change, not really. But then I got bigger and it started drying on me and eventually I turned into an uneven block, chipping and sparking on the hard ground, tearing off into painful chunks. I wanted to stay empty, like the eagle in the proverb, left to perch, my bones filled with air pockets, but heaviness found me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t shake it off; I couldn’t transform it, evaporate or melt it. It was distinct from me, but it hooked itself into my body like a parasite. I couldn’t figure out if something was wrong with me or if this was just my life—if this was just how people felt, like concrete was dragging their flesh off their bones.


ami-e d'enfance

Life was like being dragged through concrete in circles, wet and setting concrete that dried with each rotation of my unwilling body. As a child, I was light. It didn’t matter too much; I slid through it, and maybe it even felt like a game, like I was just playing in mud, like nothing about that slipperiness would ever change, not really. But then I got bigger and it started drying on me and eventually I turned into an uneven block, chipping and sparking on the hard ground, tearing off into painful chunks. I wanted to stay empty, like the eagle in the proverb, left to perch, my bones filled with air pockets, but heaviness found me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t shake it off; I couldn’t transform it, evaporate or melt it. It was distinct from me, but it hooked itself into my body like a parasite. I couldn’t figure out if something was wrong with me or if this was just my life—if this was just how people felt, like concrete was dragging their flesh off their bones.



Life was like being dragged through concrete in circles, wet and setting concrete that dried with each rotation of my unwilling body. As a child, I was light. It didn’t matter too much; I slid through it, and maybe it even felt like a game, like I was just playing in mud, like nothing about that slipperiness would ever change, not really. But then I got bigger and it started drying on me and eventually I turned into an uneven block, chipping and sparking on the hard ground, tearing off into painful chunks. I wanted to stay empty, like the eagle in the proverb, left to perch, my bones filled with air pockets, but heaviness found me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t shake it off; I couldn’t transform it, evaporate or melt it. It was distinct from me, but it hooked itself into my body like a parasite. I couldn’t figure out if something was wrong with me or if this was just my life—if this was just how people felt, like concrete was dragging their flesh off their bones.



Life was like being dragged through concrete in circles, wet and setting concrete that dried with each rotation of my unwilling body. As a child, I was light. It didn’t matter too much; I slid through it, and maybe it even felt like a game, like I was just playing in mud, like nothing about that slipperiness would ever change, not really. But then I got bigger and it started drying on me and eventually I turned into an uneven block, chipping and sparking on the hard ground, tearing off into painful chunks. I wanted to stay empty, like the eagle in the proverb, left to perch, my bones filled with air pockets, but heaviness found me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t shake it off; I couldn’t transform it, evaporate or melt it. It was distinct from me, but it hooked itself into my body like a parasite. I couldn’t figure out if something was wrong with me or if this was just my life—if this was just how people felt, like concrete was dragging their flesh off their bones.


résumé très synthétique

Life was like being dragged through concrete in circles, wet and setting concrete that dried with each rotation of my unwilling body. As a child, I was light. It didn’t matter too much; I slid through it, and maybe it even felt like a game, like I was just playing in mud, like nothing about that slipperiness would ever change, not really. But then I got bigger and it started drying on me and eventually I turned into an uneven block, chipping and sparking on the hard ground, tearing off into painful chunks. I wanted to stay empty, like the eagle in the proverb, left to perch, my bones filled with air pockets, but heaviness found me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t shake it off; I couldn’t transform it, evaporate or melt it. It was distinct from me, but it hooked itself into my body like a parasite. I couldn’t figure out if something was wrong with me or if this was just my life—if this was just how people felt, like concrete was dragging their flesh off their bones.

messages : 17
date d'inscription : 11/02/2022
métier : argileur
Ven 25 Fév - 22:55

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